[SVA Fly In] SVA Spotlight

Event Summary

Departure Airport: Any
Arrival Airport: KGEG
Route: Pilot Choice
Date: 12/02/23 23:00:00Z (GMT)

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Events Details

SVA is pleased to announce a new addition to our event lineup. The SVA Spotlight. Every 2 weeks, we're going to be featuring an airfield that may not be flown to as often as our hubs, or major international airports.

This week, we are going to host a fly into Spokane, Washington. This is an airport that i've personally never flown to, and I'm sure theres some of you out there in the same boat. If you have flown here, this is just another opportunity to get to know the field.

I hope you all will join us for this exciting new series, and we plan to keep bringing new airfields each week.

Happy flying,

Jordan L
Director of Events
Southwest Virtual Airlines